Monday, January 27, 2014

Olympic Lockdown

Sochi was not expected to be a problem for the Olympics. Nice little seaside town on its way to being a real resort. The Winter Olympics came along and the government started pumping money into the town like it was Dawson City during the Gold Rush.

Security has always been an issue for the 10 Olympiads where I have played a role. It seemed like London was going to be difficult until the government there rallied law enforcement and the military and the Games ultimately came off without any significant glitches. Others like Atlanta were surprises that were dealt with in a reactionary way. But now we’re encountering something new that is a clear sign of our fragile times…direct threats and intelligence that confirms the potentially deadly prospects.
My weekly conference calls with organizers were filled with terrorism discussion, even before the Volgograd bombings. One important piece of the discussions has been the strong suspicion that these threats are targeted.  Not indiscriminate public places but specific targets such as corporate meetings, visiting dignitaries, athletes and even athlete’s families. Some countries are now considering staying home altogether. Athletes families have been strongly cautioned about the potential danger of attending.

Our most recent call turned its attention to those of us working for the Games. Many assignments are on-site where the competitions are being held. Much of what I have been asked to do over the years is behind the scenes, in meeting rooms and hotels surrounding the venues. The decision has now been made to do any job remotely that can be done effectively that way. The organizers don’t want to endanger the working group nor do they want to divert the prime security efforts away from the athletes and venues in any way.

This is the right decision. Safety first. But I am disappointed that I will miss spending time with my good friend Viktor Yazykov who was a competitor in our around the world sailing race. A native of Sochi, he is former Russian Army Special Forces involved directly in the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. And he really knows how to drink vodka. However, as one might say, I would rather live to drink another day, than to be looking over my shoulder all the time and cringing each time I step up to turn on the computer in the media center.

As we discussed on the call, this is one of those times where the need for assistance away from the problem is essential. I won't be on the ground like in this 2010 screenshot, where I was talking to Jane as she was watching the live coverage on the east coast. I’ll be Skyping and watching streaming feeds from all the venues. We all want these Games to be safe but the threats are real and we’re told that the “Black Widows” that we have read about are likely to already be inside the city. And it’s not a stretch to think that they will target families because they’ve lost their own.  I’ll give you some periodic updates. There will undoubtedly be new wrinkles to this story every day. My 11th Olympics are going to be most unusual.

1 comment:

  1. God Bless you Dan... I pray Satan keeps his ugly head buried until this grand event is finished and put away for the season! Thanks for your part is this very important event.
