Monday, January 3, 2011

The 80's go to Goodwill

The IBM Selectric typewriter in royal blue was the industry standard.  Every office had one.  You couldn't communicate by written word in business without one.  Then along came the MacIntosh computer.  Floppy disks, such a deal.  We kept them both for awhile but then, except for typing envelopes, the Selectric became just too much trouble...changing typeballs and ancient!  They've been in the basement museum for a long, long time.  The day after New Year's, I just decided to move them.  I thought about the Smithsonian but I think that's already been done.  So off I went to Goodwill.  The kid that took them out of the trunk probably was born in the 90's.  This was like my grandfather donating his Model T to charity.  Communicating is easier now...but we always will have the good times of the 80' least we thought we were moving fast back then.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the Goodwill donation, Dan. The Goodwill in Austin, TX, has a computer museum to show the evolution of technology, and includes a 1957 Heathkit Oscilloscope and a 1976 Atari Super Pong. Makes your 80s stuff seem young by comparison! You can see a video about the museum at
